PAL PUSH II Project Celebrates Success and Shares Project Results

December 5, 2023


More than 140 people came closer to their dream of starting their own business, 70 of them prepared a business plan with professional coaches’ help. At least 280 people increased their chances of finding a job, 70 of them had job interviews, and 35 participated in paid 2-month apprenticeship programs. These are some of the results of the PAL PUSH II Project: Empowering Disadvantaged Groups through Employment and Entrepreneurship. The 2-year long project was simultaneously implemented in seven European countries: Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Romania and the Czech Republic, under the coordination of the association RomPraha.

Tackling Societal Challenges

In an effort to address the pressing issue of unemployment, particularly among social inclusion groups, the PAL PUSH II project aimed to provide a lifeline for those facing economic challenges exacerbated by the global COVID-19 pandemic. The main focus groups of the project were people in long-term unemployment, women after maternity leave, migrants and Romani. A new group that joined the project activities during the implementation was refugees from Ukraine.

The consortium first conducted comprehensive research among 210 individuals, using questionnaires to identify missing skills crucial for targeted social inclusion groups in each partner country. Based on the results, the team created two curricula – for entrepreneurship and employment learning, each consisting of 10 modules.

The materials are free to download and use, from the project website in 8 languages:

Inclusive Entrepreneurship Education and Coaching

A pivotal aspect of “Pall Push II” was enhancing inclusive entrepreneurship education and coaching services. The initiative supported individuals from social inclusion groups in creating their businesses as a potent means to combat unemployment. Participants engaged in practical setups of micro-businesses, exploring procedures, risks, and opportunities. The project delivered 60 hours of local training to 20 individuals in each country, resulting in 140 aspiring entrepreneurs total; and 40 hours of individual coaching services per entrepreneur, resulting in 70 individuals from the partnership receiving professional coaching to kickstart their businesses.

Upskilling for Inclusive Employment

Recognizing the vulnerability of disadvantaged groups to unemployment, the project focused on upskilling, offering 40-hour training sessions covering basic computer skills, digital literacy, and social media presence. The goal was to empower 280 participants across partner countries, helping them build confidence and qualifications necessary for meaningful employment.

Business Speed Dating and Apprenticeship Activities

To bridge the gap between trained individuals and the labour market, PAL PUSH II organized business speed dating events where employers and employees could explore collaboration opportunities. The project anticipated 10 employees per country (70 in total) would find jobs through these events. Additionally, 35 individuals from partner countries participated in a paid two-month apprenticeship program. The success stories are also available on the project website.

Project Impact and Collaboration

After two years of dedicated effort, PAL PUSH II was made available for trainers, entrepreneurs, and job seekers. The project’s results and materials are shared with the wider public to prepare disadvantaged groups for employment and entrepreneurship, overcome labor market barriers, and foster social cohesion and economic growth.

For more information and access to project resources, visit


RomPraha (Czech Republic), UNISCO (Italy), AHEAD (Romania), My Madeira Island (Portugal), OMG (Croatia) FTHIOTIDOS Chamber of Commerce (Greece), OECON Group (Bulgaria).


Multiplier Events

November 24, 2023

The ERASMUS+ “Pall Push II – Integrating European Kowledge in Employment and Entrepreneurship For Disadvantaged Groups” has given big steps towards inclusion. The main outputs of the project, the Employment course and the Entrepreneurism course curricula were created and used/ tested in the different partner countries.

The execution of the courses were successful. The participants were satisfied with the richness and the coverage of the curricula and, also, with the experience of the training itself, which is more than the curricula/ contents of the course. 

Regarding the Employment course, participants were grateful for the chance to share experiences with other unemployed persons a “long” course (40h) targeting one of their most important worries which is employment. The contribution of the trainers was also important as the relation was very symmetrical and the participants felt safe and supported. At the end, for many of them, the experience was classified as life-changing. 

The Entrepreneurship was also a good experience for the participants as the course is very enlightening and accessible, covering the main areas to explore and prepare before “jumping” in to investment. Combining the course with the coaching on entrepreneurship was a good combination because, having the knowledge and having some tools is not enough to keep on moving towards business creation. It helps a lot if you have someone besides you giving support. In our days there are many different funding opportunities, they are excellent opportunities to leverage business creation and also to guide business creation.

Pall Push II experience was very gratifying and useful for the participants and project partners. The dissemination targeted different groups that could give some use to the tools created. Each partner presented the project outputs in a Multiplier event accomplished in each country reaching a minimum of 20 persons per event, reaching 140 persons in the whole consortium. The target groups were diverse but, above all, employment technicians, social workers, business supporters, project managers, consultants and trainers.

The tools created are available and free to use, each partner will also be available for further support. The more Pall Push materials are requested, more successful is the project and greater is the sense of accomplishment in producing something useful for the community.

Closing Meeting of the project Pall Push II on Madeira, Portugal

November 24, 2023

The third and final Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) of the “Pall Push II – Integrating European Kowledge in Employment and Entrepreneurship For Disadvantaged Groups” took place in Madeira island, Portugal, led by the partner My Madeira Island. It happened in 11 and 12 October 2023 in the charming Centro de Juventude do Funchal (Funchal Youth Center).


The endings of the projects are very demanding as they reach the end and the time keeps running. This is especially true for ambitious international projects as its Pall Push II, targeting very complex thematic as employment and entrepreneurship.

This moment was strategic for the coordination of the group of partners as it’s crucial for the success of the project that partners stay together and focused on the key activities to implement. The TPM Agenda included:

  • Progress Report and financial planning,
  • Speed dating methodology and planning,
  • implementation of apprenticeships opportunities,
  • Success Stories Manual,
  • Dissemination,
  • Enhancement of inclusive entrepreneurship education and coaching services,
  • Supporting of inclusive employment though upskilling,
  • Mapping the target groups needs in post-COVID era and adapting existing training materials,
  • Project sustainability and follow-up.

After the work was done, partners had the chance enjoy the beauty of Madeira island and feel the warm weather of October in this sub-tropical region. Madeira is a ultraperipheral region of Europe, located in the Atlantic, in biographic region called Macaronesia which includes the Canary islands (Spain) and Azores (Portugal). 

In our days the main economic activity is the truism, being one of the most attractive destinations in Europe. In the agricultural sector, banana production, flowers and the famous Madeira wine also make an important contribution. The industrial activity is diverse, with small industries still standing out, such as those oriented towards local consumption (pasta, dairy products, sugar production and packaging, cement, among others) and those of an artisanal nature: Madeira embroidery, tapestry and wicker items. The free zone of Madeira also increased international investment, and several foreign companies came to establish themselves on the island (

Empowering Entrepreneurs: PAL PUSH II Project Provides Innovative Learning Opportunities for Social Inclusion Groups

April 14, 2023

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur seeking to start your own business but facing challenges due to social disadvantages such as unemployment, migration, or being a part of a marginalized community? Look no further! The PAL PUSH II project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, is here to support you on your entrepreneurial journey.


The PAL PUSH II project aims to integrate European knowledge in employment and entrepreneurship for disadvantaged groups, including women, seniors, unemployed individuals, migrants, and Romani communities. Through innovative learning opportunities, interactive techniques, and digital tools, the project strives to boost social integration through employment or entrepreneurship.

The project has been successfully implemented in 7 countries, including Greece, Romania, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Portugal, Italy, and Croatia, and has provided training to over 140 people who belong to social inclusion groups. The project focuses on practical and valuable skills that are essential for starting and running a successful business. The training is designed to empower future entrepreneurs with the necessary knowledge and support to turn their business ideas into action.

The Entrepreneurship course offered by PAL PUSH II covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Entrepreneurship mindset: Building the right mindset for success as an entrepreneur.
  • From Idea to Action: Turning your business idea into a concrete plan of action.
  • Business Planning: Understanding the key components of a business plan and how to develop one.
  • Financial Literacy: Learning the basics of financial management for business success.
  • Digital Skills for Business Support and Development: Utilizing digital tools and technologies to support and grow your business.
  • Innovation Literacy: Encouraging creativity and innovation in business.
  • Branding and Marketing: Developing effective branding and marketing strategies for your business.
  • Networks and Communication: Building and maintaining professional networks and effective communication skills.
  • Mobility Resources and Possibilities: Exploring opportunities for mobility and expansion in the business world.
  • Company Business Plan: Developing a comprehensive business plan to guide your entrepreneurial journey.

The training is conducted in small groups, allowing participants to work on practical exercises and real-life examples. In addition to the training, participants also have the opportunity to connect with experienced business coaches from each country, providing them with individual support tailored to their specific needs. This personalized coaching process helps participants to address practical challenges and receive expert advice to overcome hurdles in their entrepreneurial journey.

The impact of the PAL PUSH II project has been significant, with 20 future entrepreneurs from each country undergoing 60 hours of training, and the top 10 most promising entrepreneurs receiving an additional 40 hours of individual coaching. This amounts to a total of 2,800 hours of coaching provided across the partnership.

The PAL PUSH II project has equipped aspiring entrepreneurs from social inclusion groups with the necessary competencies and support to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. The project has been instrumental in empowering individuals who face social disadvantages to overcome barriers and create their own businesses, thereby improving their employment prospects and contributing to their social integration.

If you are a future entrepreneur facing social disadvantages, the PAL PUSH II project can be your stepping stone to success. Join us and take advantage of the innovative learning opportunities and expert coaching to unlock your entrepreneurial potential. Together, we can empower you to overcome challenges and build a brighter future through entrepreneurship.

The project materials will be available on our website soon, follow the updates!

PAL PUSH II Project Empowers Underprivileged Groups with Employment Skills

April 1, 2023

Are you looking to jumpstart your career and improve your employment chances? The PAL PUSH II project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, has designed an innovative employment course to support social inclusion groups, including women, seniors, the unemployed, migrants, and Romani individuals. The course has been implemented in seven countries, including Greece, Romania, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Portugal, Italy, and Croatia, and has already trained over 210 people, providing them with essential digital and soft skills to enhance their employability.


The PAL PUSH II employment course is structured into 10 modules, covering a wide range of topics to equip participants with practical knowledge and skills. The course duration is 40 hours, and it is designed in easy-to-understand language for adults. The modules are:

  1. Local Labor Market Information: This module provides participants with an understanding of the local labor market and its dynamics, including job opportunities, trends, and challenges.
  2. Introduction to Labor Law: Participants learn about the basic principles and regulations of labor law, including employment contracts, rights, and obligations of employees and employers.
  3. Requirements: This module focuses on the skills, qualifications, and requirements that employers look for in job applicants, helping participants understand and meet the expectations of the job market.
  4. Self-Assessment and Improvement: Participants learn how to objectively assess their own skills, strengths, and weaknesses, and how to improve their work-related competencies.
  5. Non-Formal Skills and Real-Life Application: This module highlights the value of non-formal skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability, and how to effectively utilize them in real-life work situations.
  6. Intercultural Knowledge: With increasing diversity in workplaces, this module helps participants develop intercultural awareness and competence to work effectively in a multicultural environment.
  7. Avoiding Scams: Participants learn how to identify and avoid job scams and fraudulent employment practices, protecting themselves from potential exploitation.
  8. Ethics of Communication: This module focuses on the importance of professional communication in the workplace, including effective verbal and written communication, active listening, and conflict resolution.
  9. Finding Jobs Online: Participants learn how to leverage online job search tools, websites, and platforms to find job opportunities and submit online job applications.
  10. Gaining Work Experience: This module provides insights on how to gain practical work experience through internships, volunteering, and other opportunities, enhancing participants’ employability.

The PAL PUSH II employment course has been successfully implemented in each of the project countries, reaching out to 30 people in each location. The course took place in February-March 2023, and it has helped individuals from underprivileged categories, including the unemployed, Roma, migrants, and mothers on maternity leave, to become more employable and find new job opportunities. The interactive techniques, relevant topics, and digital tools used in the course have empowered participants with valuable skills, knowledge, and confidence to navigate the job market and improve their chances of successful employment or entrepreneurship.

The PAL PUSH II project is committed to promoting social integration through employment and entrepreneurship, and the employment course is one of the key initiatives undertaken to achieve this mission. By providing practical skills, information, and resources, the project aims to support underprivileged groups in their pursuit of meaningful employment, contributing to their personal and professional growth, and fostering inclusive economic development in the communities.

The project materials will be available on our website soon, follow the updates!


PAL PUSH II Team Meet Up in Lamia to Move the Project Further

March 14, 2023

On 1-2 March 2023, the PAL PUSH II team gathered in Lamia, Greece for their TPM2 (Transnational Project Meeting) at the premises of FTHIOTIDAS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The two-day meeting was organized to review the progress made so far and plan the implementation of the next tasks and Multiplier Events.

The first day of the meeting kicked off with an official welcome and partners reflecting on the project’s progress under the Gantt Chart. Updates were shared by all partners regarding the implementation of PR2 and PR3, and the planning of Task 2.3 – Individual Coaching Services introduced by OMG. The second day focused on the planning of the Multiplier Events, PR4 – Speed-up Dating and Apprenticeship activities at the local and international level, and the presentation of Dissemination activities. At the end of TPM2, the next activities and events were agreed upon, and all participants received their Certificates of Attendance after the evaluation of the TPM.

The PAL PUSH II project aims to support social inclusion groups’ participation at different levels by gathering qualitative data about approaches and practices and supporting initiatives where their participation is key to long-term change. It provides an opportunity to work on the root challenges behind current unemployment trends and cooperate with projects and initiatives that tackle these issues in an innovative and experimental manner. The project recognizes entrepreneurship and self-employment as key to achieving smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth, and focuses its efforts on businesses and start-ups by unemployed and people from vulnerable groups, supporting inclusive entrepreneurship and microfinance.

The project will actively work on two main pillars: inclusive entrepreneurship (part of Project Result 2) and inclusive employment (Project Result 3 and 4). By creating innovative learning opportunities for social inclusion groups such as women, seniors, unemployed individuals, migrants, and Romani, using interactive techniques, topics, and digital tools, the main objective is to boost social integration through employment or entrepreneurship.

Unemployment and social exclusion deeply affect disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, such as families with children and low-income individuals struggling with a lack of affordable childcare, and migrants experiencing unprecedented exclusion from the job market. The PAL PUSH II project aims to address these challenges by supporting social inclusion groups in accessing employment and entrepreneurship opportunities.

The TPM2 meeting in Lamia, Greece was a crucial step in moving the PAL PUSH II project further. Partners came together to review progress, plan the next steps, and discuss upcoming events such as Multiplier Events, Speed-up Dating, and Apprenticeship activities. The meeting allowed partners to exchange updates and insights on the implementation of PR2 and PR3, as well as Task 2.3 – Individual Coaching Services introduced by OMG.

One of the key focuses of the PAL PUSH II project is to promote inclusive entrepreneurship and self-employment. By supporting businesses and start-ups by unemployed and vulnerable individuals, the project aims to contribute to smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth. Through gathering qualitative data about approaches and practices, and supporting initiatives that facilitate social inclusion groups’ participation, the PAL PUSH II project seeks to drive long-term change and address the root challenges behind unemployment and social exclusion.

In addition to the productive discussions and planning sessions, the PAL PUSH II team also had the opportunity to experience Greek culture during the meeting. They indulged in the delicious Greek cuisine and had a taste of local flavours. They also visited significant historical sites, including the place of the Battle of Thermopylae and the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, immersing themselves in the rich cultural heritage of Greece.

The PAL PUSH II project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, and the team is committed to creating innovative learning opportunities for social inclusion groups. By using interactive techniques, topics, and digital tools, the project aims to empower women, seniors, unemployed individuals, migrants, and Romani to participate in the job market and entrepreneurship opportunities, ultimately boosting social integration.


Online Piloting Day: Employment Curriculum Is Almost Ready!

December 7, 2022

Today, 07 December 2022, the consortium of partners in the PAL PUSH II project piloted the modules for the Employment Curriculum.

Aiming for the maximum quality of the educational materials, the experts demonstrated the results of their preparations for the course. During the whole day, they worked in two virtual rooms where each module from the course was presented in one hour.

The experts did their best to walk the colleagues through the content of the modules and give some practical tasks, aiming to prepare the trainers to deliver the actual courses on employment in winter and spring 2023.

The employment course will be offered to people who want to improve their chances at the labour market, especially those from vulnerable groups: Roma community, older population, mothers in the maternity leave, migrants, those in long-term unemployment.

Now that the modules have been presented and evaluated, the consortium will take the final effort to fine-tune the curriculum, translate it in the country languages and prepare it for the physical courses that start early next year.

Follow us for further updates!


And here is how the program today looked.

Some impressions from the piloting sessions:


Read more:

The training course in Romania was a success!

November 21, 2022

On 6-10 November 2022, the PAL PUSH II team of 35 experts and learners gathered in Brasov, the capital of Transylvania, to prepare the Entrepreneurship curriculum. The team piloted all the 10 modules from the curriculum and searched for ways to improve the future entrepreneurship course.

The training course was hosted by AHEAD Foundation from Brasov, Romania.

With a primary focus on vulnerable categories such as women, seniors, unemployed, migrants and Romani, the entrepreneurship course targets those who want to start their own businesses.

Find out more about the course here:

And here are some impressions from the international mobility.





PAL CAM for Inclusive Entrepreneurship is getting experts in Romania

November 7, 2022


PAL CAMPers are meeting in Brasov! An international training course PAL CAMP for Inclusive Entrepreneurship to be hosted in Romanian Transylvania is collecting together a team of 35 experts to pilot educational materials on entrepreneurship. During three days, from 7 to 9 November 2022, the participants from Romania, Bulgaria, Portugal, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Italy and Greece will share and discuss theoretical and practical materials on supporting entrepreneurship initiatives of people from challenging backgrounds. The training course is hosted by AHEAD Foundation from Brasov, Romania.

With a primary focus on vulnerable categories such as women, seniors, unemployed, migrants and Romani, the entrepreneurship course is targeted towards those who want to start their own business.

During the training course in Brasov, the team of experts will pilot the following modules:

  • Entrepreneurship mindset
  • From Idea to Action
  • Business Planning
  • Financial Literacy
  • Digital Skills for business support and development
  • Innovation Literacy
  • Branding and Marketing
  • Networks and communication
  • Mobility Resources and possibilities
  • Company Business Plan

Once the Entrepreneurship curriculum is approved, each project partner will organize a local course for a group of 20 people where they will work closely on their business ideas.

The project Integrating the European Knowledge in employment and entrepreneurship for Disadvantaged Groups PAL PUSH II is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. It is coordinated by association RomPraha from the Czech Republic and the following partners:




Otvorena medijska grupacija, Croatia



The project is a continuation of the previous PAL PUSH initiative.

How to find a job and start a business: a new educational program to be developed for women, seniors, unemployed, migrants and Romani

April 7, 2022

A new educational course is being developed for seniors, the unemployed, migrants, Romani and women after childcare. The course will provide practical and digital skills that will help these disadvantaged groups re-launch their career or start an entrepreneurial initiative of their own.

“The COVID-19 pandemic created even more obstacles for these vulnerable groups. We want to help them re-integrate into the job market under new circumstances, and therefore are working on a program that will provide an up-to-date learning, networking and international internship opportunities that will be tailored for the needs of these specific groups”.

The project is called PAL PUSH II: Integrating the European Knowledge in employment and entrepreneurship for Disadvantaged Groups. It is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, and is simultaneously developed in the Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Portugal. The project is a continuation of the previous PAL PUSH initiative.

Based on the educational materials the team is creating, 20 participants in each of the seven countries will go through 60 hours of entrepreneurship training, and 10 of them will have 40 hours of coaching after that, making 70 beginner entrepreneurs in total. In the next step, a group of learners will go through the 10 hours of training of basic computer skills, digital literacy, social media presence, finding jobs online.

Ten people in each country will be invited to participate in networking and job fairs in the form of business speed-dating. Finally, 5 of the participants in each country will be involved in a 2-months internships at local or international companies.

‘We hope that with this project, we will help decrease unemployment in our regions, provide more opportunities to beginner entrepreneurs in terms of access to funds, clients, partners and suppliers – especially those from underrepresented groups, and help stimulate digital innovation and connectivity’.

Project partners:

RomPraha, the Czech Republic




Otvorena medijska grupacija, Croatia