PAL PUSH II Team Meet Up in Lamia to Move the Project Further

March 14, 2023

On 1-2 March 2023, the PAL PUSH II team gathered in Lamia, Greece for their TPM2 (Transnational Project Meeting) at the premises of FTHIOTIDAS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The two-day meeting was organized to review the progress made so far and plan the implementation of the next tasks and Multiplier Events.

The first day of the meeting kicked off with an official welcome and partners reflecting on the project’s progress under the Gantt Chart. Updates were shared by all partners regarding the implementation of PR2 and PR3, and the planning of Task 2.3 – Individual Coaching Services introduced by OMG. The second day focused on the planning of the Multiplier Events, PR4 – Speed-up Dating and Apprenticeship activities at the local and international level, and the presentation of Dissemination activities. At the end of TPM2, the next activities and events were agreed upon, and all participants received their Certificates of Attendance after the evaluation of the TPM.

The PAL PUSH II project aims to support social inclusion groups’ participation at different levels by gathering qualitative data about approaches and practices and supporting initiatives where their participation is key to long-term change. It provides an opportunity to work on the root challenges behind current unemployment trends and cooperate with projects and initiatives that tackle these issues in an innovative and experimental manner. The project recognizes entrepreneurship and self-employment as key to achieving smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth, and focuses its efforts on businesses and start-ups by unemployed and people from vulnerable groups, supporting inclusive entrepreneurship and microfinance.

The project will actively work on two main pillars: inclusive entrepreneurship (part of Project Result 2) and inclusive employment (Project Result 3 and 4). By creating innovative learning opportunities for social inclusion groups such as women, seniors, unemployed individuals, migrants, and Romani, using interactive techniques, topics, and digital tools, the main objective is to boost social integration through employment or entrepreneurship.

Unemployment and social exclusion deeply affect disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, such as families with children and low-income individuals struggling with a lack of affordable childcare, and migrants experiencing unprecedented exclusion from the job market. The PAL PUSH II project aims to address these challenges by supporting social inclusion groups in accessing employment and entrepreneurship opportunities.

The TPM2 meeting in Lamia, Greece was a crucial step in moving the PAL PUSH II project further. Partners came together to review progress, plan the next steps, and discuss upcoming events such as Multiplier Events, Speed-up Dating, and Apprenticeship activities. The meeting allowed partners to exchange updates and insights on the implementation of PR2 and PR3, as well as Task 2.3 – Individual Coaching Services introduced by OMG.

One of the key focuses of the PAL PUSH II project is to promote inclusive entrepreneurship and self-employment. By supporting businesses and start-ups by unemployed and vulnerable individuals, the project aims to contribute to smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth. Through gathering qualitative data about approaches and practices, and supporting initiatives that facilitate social inclusion groups’ participation, the PAL PUSH II project seeks to drive long-term change and address the root challenges behind unemployment and social exclusion.

In addition to the productive discussions and planning sessions, the PAL PUSH II team also had the opportunity to experience Greek culture during the meeting. They indulged in the delicious Greek cuisine and had a taste of local flavours. They also visited significant historical sites, including the place of the Battle of Thermopylae and the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, immersing themselves in the rich cultural heritage of Greece.

The PAL PUSH II project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, and the team is committed to creating innovative learning opportunities for social inclusion groups. By using interactive techniques, topics, and digital tools, the project aims to empower women, seniors, unemployed individuals, migrants, and Romani to participate in the job market and entrepreneurship opportunities, ultimately boosting social integration.