Multiplier Events

November 24, 2023

The ERASMUS+ “Pall Push II – Integrating European Kowledge in Employment and Entrepreneurship For Disadvantaged Groups” has given big steps towards inclusion. The main outputs of the project, the Employment course and the Entrepreneurism course curricula were created and used/ tested in the different partner countries.

The execution of the courses were successful. The participants were satisfied with the richness and the coverage of the curricula and, also, with the experience of the training itself, which is more than the curricula/ contents of the course. 

Regarding the Employment course, participants were grateful for the chance to share experiences with other unemployed persons a “long” course (40h) targeting one of their most important worries which is employment. The contribution of the trainers was also important as the relation was very symmetrical and the participants felt safe and supported. At the end, for many of them, the experience was classified as life-changing. 

The Entrepreneurship was also a good experience for the participants as the course is very enlightening and accessible, covering the main areas to explore and prepare before “jumping” in to investment. Combining the course with the coaching on entrepreneurship was a good combination because, having the knowledge and having some tools is not enough to keep on moving towards business creation. It helps a lot if you have someone besides you giving support. In our days there are many different funding opportunities, they are excellent opportunities to leverage business creation and also to guide business creation.

Pall Push II experience was very gratifying and useful for the participants and project partners. The dissemination targeted different groups that could give some use to the tools created. Each partner presented the project outputs in a Multiplier event accomplished in each country reaching a minimum of 20 persons per event, reaching 140 persons in the whole consortium. The target groups were diverse but, above all, employment technicians, social workers, business supporters, project managers, consultants and trainers.

The tools created are available and free to use, each partner will also be available for further support. The more Pall Push materials are requested, more successful is the project and greater is the sense of accomplishment in producing something useful for the community.