Preparing Future Entrepreneurs

This project result is aiming at supporting people from social inclusion groups in the creation of their own businesses as a way to fight unemployment but also to support their business ideas. The objectives of the project result are to create groundbreaking training oriented in the creation of valuable skills, including practical examples, and exercises with great value for the new entrepreneurs.

The main target groups are future entrepreneurs seeking to set up entrepreneurial and digital skills that will help them in successful startups and their first steps.

An important part of the project result is the connection of the entrepreneurs with experienced business coaches from each country and with a possibility to mix-match among the countries in order to receive individual support targeted and oriented to their needs.

In this way, the effectiveness of the training will be ensured. The learners will be put in small groups in order to work on the practical set-up of a micro business in order to understand the main procedures, risks and opportunities.

Experts will present to the learners digital marketing techniques and other tools valuable for their businesses. They will also explain how to use other training and funding opportunities.

In each country, 20 people, future entrepreneurs, will go through 60 hours of training.

Then, the 10 most promising future entrepreneurs in each country will go through 40 hours of individual coaching. This means 400 hours per partner and 2.800 hours total for the partnership.

The objective of the coaching process is to apply the individual support principle for new entrepreneurs in order to help them solve more practical issues and receive appropriate advice on their entrance problems.

Read more about the Entrepreneurship Curriculum here:

Entrepreneurship course

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